Mr Oreo Prince

People say I’m Casanova I’m not /ij

He/him trans panromantic and asexual 🇮🇳


Hi I’m Jacob/Oreo (Jacob only if we are friends)
BYF: I cuss often, I sometimes say I will take away your waifu,husbando or whatever I mostly joke around like I don’t literally take away you know what I mean, I have really poor grammar and sometimes often misspelled things
DNI : basic dni criteria (homophobic transphobic etc), although I sometimes handle nsfw jokes please don’t extant it

Likes and dislikes

Kaebedo,art,steampunk and Royal aesthetic,mid spicy food,anime,wholesome things,CATS
Nsfw,super sweet food, Homophobic,Transphobic,loud noise, Asterisks role play when it’s not even roleplay (as a joke its okay)


Genshin (mostly kaebedo I only love them most) Spy x family, saiki k, ace attorney,persona 5 , Sherlock homes (BBC), Mentalist, Good omens ,Haiyukuu, Any genres of manga/Manhwa (not harem), etc

Commission card

Wip working on it!